Chinese Beef Brisket Stew




Chinese Beef Brisket Stew

Brisket is delicious any way you prepare it. This cut of meat is a Chinese favorite by stewing it with delicious root vegetables. Great for casual entertaining, when you fancy a warming beef stew but with some more vibrant flavors.


2lb beef brisket, cut into 1”x2” pieces
3 clove garlic, diced
3 slice ginger, 1 inch long each
4 tomatoes
2 large potatoes
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp hoisin sauce
1tbsp rock sugar
2tbsp cooking wine
1tbsp soy sauce to taste
1/2tbsp dark soy sauce

4 tbsp ketchup
salt to taste
Scallion and cilantro for garnish


2 star anise
1 dried orange peel, broken into pieces
1 bay leaf



Step 1:  Blanch beef brisket in a large pot of boiling water. About 8 minutes. Take the beef out and rinse under cold water. Drain the excess water.  Add diced garlic and set aside.




Step 2:   Cut up 4 tomatoes.  T and potato the same size as meat.   Heat up 1 tbsp of cooking oil in a wok or Dutch oven. Cook ginger for about 30 seconds.  Add  half of the tomato.  Then add the meat. Leave half of the tomato and  potato for later.




Step 3: Add ketchup, rock sugar, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce and mix well.



Step 4:  Add star anise, orange peel, and bay leaf, cooking wine.  Add enough water to cover the meat.



Step 5: Bring to boil. Turn the heat to low and simmer with lid on for 2 – 2.5 hours until tender. Turn the beef with a spatula every now and then. Add soy sauce and salt to taste.  Add potato cubes and mix with the beef. Bring the stew to boil and simmer with lip on until the radish is soft. About 30 minutes.



Step 6:   Just before the stew is ready, add the remaining half of the tomato.  And serve.