Stir Fried Green Beans





Stir Fried Green Beans


There’s nothing like fresh green beans and  Stir Fry is a great way to cook them! And this tasty stir-fry is low-carb, low-glycemic, South Beach Diet friendly.   Crisp-tender, garlicky, gingery, and coated in a spicy sauce.   It couldn’t be easier.






Step 1:   Heat oil in a wok until shimmery hot: Heat a wok or large frying pan over high heat on the hottest burner you have for about 90 seconds. Add the vegetable oil and let it heat up until shimmery.   Add green beans,  Spread everything out in the pan and let it sear untouched for anywhere from 30-90 seconds, you want to get a little browning on the green beans. Stir the green beans and let sit for another 30-90 seconds.  Take the green beans out and set aside.



Step 2:    Heat oil in the same wok.    Add minced pork.  Stir fry for two minutes till the pork change color.   Take it out and set aside.



Step 3:   Heat up the same wok.   Add mince garlic, ginger, dry hot red pepper, and green onion.  Stir for 30 seconds.   Add minced pork and green beans back in.  Mix the soy sauce and sugar together and pour into the pan. Turn off the heat and immediately toss the green beans to combine.    Pour the sesame oil over the green beans  and sprinkle with black pepper. Toss to combine one more time. Serve immediately or let rest and serve at room temperature.